In-person @ Guesthouse Lost River, West Virginia

5:00p ET Friday, May 2 - 10:00a ET Sunday, May 4


Bi-weekly Virtual Sessions

Tuesdays, 12—1:30p ET

May 13, 27 / June 10, 24 / July 8, 22


Cohort engagement between sessions via Slack

1 x 1 support from learning partners and Coaches

Upcoming Connection Catalyst Workshops

If you’re curious to learn more, check out Building Better Bonds — a free interactive 90-minute gathering of gay men interested in exploring connection

​​We’ll discuss: What is connection? What gets in the way? What can you do to create more of it?

You’ll learn and experiment with powerful, easily actionable frameworks

Space is limited. Click either date below to RSVP.

Tuesday, March 4 at 9:00-10:30a PT // 12:00-1:30p ET

Thursday, March 13 at 10:00-11:30a PT // 1:00-2:30p ET


$5,000 — including:

  • Retreat lodging, foundational training sessions, and all meals

  • Six 90-minute Virtual Group Coaching Sessions via Zoom

  • 1x1 coaching with either George or Marc and support from monthly learning partners

Cohort limited to a maximum of 16 participants

$500 earlybird discount applied to applications received by March 16, 2025

Limited scholarships available for those requiring financial support — please contact us for more information.